How to Help Your Team Transition to Working From Home

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, a large fraction of the workforce has had to transition to working from home—and this isn’t an easy or intuitive transition for everyone, even if the basic functions of your job can be done anywhere.

It can be particularly difficult for those who manage other employees, especially if you’ve never managed a remote team before.

Here are some tips for helping your team—and yourself—make a smooth transition to the home office.

Six Steps to Growing Your Insurance Business

If you’re struggling to grow your insurance business, maybe it’s time to get back to basics. Here are six steps any insurance agent can turn to—no matter how long you’ve been running your business—to encourage positive growth.

  1. Know what your goals are

Before you start developing a new marketing strategy, you need to know what you want to get out of it. Ideally, these goals would be specific, measurable, possible, and tied to a deadline: For instance, “I will generate 200 new leads by August 10.”